“Comer, comer, comer, comer
É o melhor para poder crescer”.

Olha só a coincidência! Essa musiquinha supercombina com o que vamos contar agora!

O Espaço Gastronômico se encheu de cores e sabores com a visita dos nossos alunos do Maternal!

Para aprender um pouco mais sobre alimentação saudável, os nossos pequenos do Horário Smart foram convidados a experimentar novos sabores de frutas, legumes e hortaliças, descobrindo em cada alimento os seus benefícios.

E não faltou animação na hora de colocar a mão na massa… Simmm!!! Nossos alunos arrasaram na montagem dessa bela salada, supercolorida e deliciosa. E acredite: eles devoraram tudo com um sorriso estampado no rosto!

Ah, e ainda tivemos uma imersão no inglês! Nossos “minichefs” puderam ampliar seu vocabulário enquanto se divertiam.

É assim que se cresce forte, feliz e arrasando no inglês, né?

“Congrats, Maternal! You are awesome!”


“Eat, eat, eat, eat
It is the best thing to be able to grow”

Check out this incredible coincidence! This little song aligns perfectly with what we are about to share with you!

The Gastronomy Space was filled with colors and flavors with the visit of our kindergarten students!

To learn a little more about healthy eating, our little ones from the Smart schedule were invited to try new flavors of fruits, vegetables, and greens, discovering the benefits of each food.

There was no shortage of excitement during our engaging hands-on experience… Yes! Our students did an amazing job assembling this magnificent, vibrant, and delectable salad. And trust us: they enjoyed every bite with smiles on their faces!

Oh, and we also had an English immersion experience! Our “mini chefs” were able to expand their vocabulary while having fun.

This is the recipe for growing up strong, happy, and thriving in English, isn’t it?

Congratulations, Maternal! You are awesome!

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